Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Planning Management Department, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 M.A Student of Training Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The purpose of this study was "Relationship between psychological empowerment and Effective factors of the productivity of human resources. This study was a descriptive study that was conducted in manner correlation and the type of target, was applications And the survey was used for gathering data. all facilities department staff of different branches of Bank Melli of Mash’had were chosen randomly as the sample. The data were collected by the Spreitzer’sstandard psychological empowerment questionnaire with a 92% reliability coefficient as well as the Goldsmith’s Effective factors of productivity of human resources standard questionnaire with a 93% reliability coefficient.The data were also analyzed by the Pearson’s correlation test, linear regression analysis, and T-test. The results show that psychological empowerment and Effective factors of productivity of human resources have a positive and significant relation (52%) and based on the findings, the psychological empowerment predicts a 30% of productivity for human resources among the staff. As can be suggested by the results, the factor impact as one of the psychological empowerment components with a β= 46% has the most meaningful effect on the Effective factors of productivity of human resources with a 5% level. The positive coefficient suggests that the higher the factor, the higher the productivity for human resources. It is recommended that organizations apply the different methods for the psychological empowerment creation and reinforcement to improve the productivity of human resources and ultimately the organizational productivity.


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