Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD student in organizational behavior and human resource management, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.


Employees mental absent is a negative phenomenon which can make organizations face many challenges in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim of the this study is to designing a pattern for antecedents and consequences of employees mental absence in Iran. This study conducted using the meta- synthesis method as a qualitative research. The results show that the antecedents of employees mental absence in Iran can be studied in to two individual (with two components of attitudinal-perceptual factors and behavioral-functional factors) and organizational levels (with three components of factors related to the nature of the job, factors related to the job environment and the weakness of internal processes of the organization). The findings also indicate that the consequences of employees mental absence in Iran can be mentioned in to two individual (with two components of attitudinal-perceptual consequences and behavioral-functional consequences) and organizational levels (with two components of short-term consequences and long-term consequences).


Main Subjects