Alireza Mohammadi bajgan; Mohammad Montazeri; Yousef Ahmadi
This research was carried out by analyzing the theme and interviewing 22 university professors and shipping experts on the southern line of Iran. During the coding process, 436 codes, 130 sub-themes, 18 main themes and 6 core themes were extracted and their characteristics in shipping on the southern ...
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This research was carried out by analyzing the theme and interviewing 22 university professors and shipping experts on the southern line of Iran. During the coding process, 436 codes, 130 sub-themes, 18 main themes and 6 core themes were extracted and their characteristics in shipping on the southern line of Iran using MAXQDA2020 software were detected. The results showed that: managerial and behavioral conflicts, structural conflicts, environmental conflicts (extra-organizational) and personal conflicts of employees as causal conditions are among the main causes of intergenerational conflicts in Iran's southern shipping line Company. And the solutions and strategies provided by the experts are effective communication, culture building, incentives and conflict management, which are based on the background conditions, which were: organizational culture and structure, employee challenges, rules and regulations, and the weakness of the evaluation system. The performance of employees must be implemented. Also, among the facilitating factors such as: the creative role of personnel in order to reduce and eliminate negative conflict, outsourcing to private sectors, etc. as facilitating factors in this research can make the implementation of solutions easier and speed up.
Mohammad Montazeri; Lili Ferdosipour
A factor that can be effective in improving job performance is having a healthy organization with an empowered subset. The purpose of present study is Investigating the effect of organizational health on employee job performance with explaining the mediating role of empowerment. In addition, the theoretical ...
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A factor that can be effective in improving job performance is having a healthy organization with an empowered subset. The purpose of present study is Investigating the effect of organizational health on employee job performance with explaining the mediating role of empowerment. In addition, the theoretical literature and testing the hypotheses of the study have also been reviewed. In the frame of a survey, to select sample from the population including the entire staffs of executive entities of Sirjan city, 274 people were selected as the sample by random stratified method. After questionnaire distribution, for data analyzing was applied in two descriptive and inferential statistics levels. The construct validity was confirmed by factor analysis. Reliability of the instrument was calculated as 0.897 using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In order to analyze data, statistical tests Parametric tests of t, correlation coefficient and structural equation model were applied by using the software LISREL. The results indicate the presence of a significant relation between organizational health and job performance, between organizational health and staffs empowering, as well as between empowering staffs and job performance of staffs.
seyed hoseyn abtahi; mohammad montazeri
Volume 19, Issue 57 , May 2008, , Pages 1-16
Successful accomplishing of HR tasks and responsibilities in organizations depends on different factors such as their knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies. Some of management theorists belibe that competitive advantages in future will be shown in form of organization's abilities to managing ...
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Successful accomplishing of HR tasks and responsibilities in organizations depends on different factors such as their knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies. Some of management theorists belibe that competitive advantages in future will be shown in form of organization's abilities to managing information and knowledge. In this way, Competency Management (CM) is an important issue in the scope of knowledge management and knowledge management, also, is subordination of Human Resources Management (HRM). In this paper, we try to review the concept of competency- standard, competency profile, competency life cycle and etc, and to state the stages of the process of designing a competency model. Also, by emphasizing on the important tole of competency- based management in HRM, some advantages of using subsystems of HRM that are based upon competency have explained, and finally, some recommendations have offered for human resources managemers in organizations in our country.