Document Type : Research Paper



Some of special specifics of personality of mangers like manager's observation around themselves conforms their behaviors in the organization.
According to the attribution theory, a person may attribute his/her
behaviors to outside factors like social conditions, existent situation, rules and regulation or internal factors like his/her efforts, abilities and experiences. As manager's observations and behaviors conforms and effect on employee’s behaviors and performance of organization, so recognition of their observation is very important. On the other handsome of studies show that capacities related to internal locus of control is the main factor to differentiate between successful and unsuccessful managers, and manger’s who have internal ventral also have creativity and more capability of risking, and managers who have external control generally act as imitator and make the critical situation in organization. In this article deliberation of locus of control in successful mangers and its cooperation with other mangers is considered and verified in order to study the conformity and inconformity of mangers specifications in Iran with the existent theories.
Addition value in the organization, by using results of model of optimal combination of production, activities without addition value were defined to delete these activities and applying them in the other requisite parts. An important point of this research is that demand limitation and production sale is one of basic limitation that create surplus capacities of resources and activities without addition value in the organization that finally this problem result in increasing organizational costs and cost price of products ads capacity costs of unused resources during subject period is I 06 percent of profit of made products of factory.