Document Type : Research Paper


In this paper, with usage of translational cost theory and internal
labor market approach, two basic aspects in organizational jobs –
measurability and competence – were defined. Next, by combining
these attributes, four internal organizational structures were identified
as the following: Relational team, primitive team, spot market,
obligational market. Afterwards, the proper human resource practices
were explained for each of these structures. Data were collected from
one of the largest service organizations of Iran. Using checklist, 400
out of 4463 job titles, which were supposed to share more similarities
with the mentioned structures were selected. A group of 156 managers
and HRM specialists of ‘NAJA’ were chosen for explaining the
suitable HRM practices for each of the structures. Analysis of the data
revealed: in ‘primitive teams’ and ‘spot markets,’ job compensation
was only limited to the wage, and human resource planning
encompasses a short period. Conversely, in ‘relational teams’ and
‘obligation markets,’ compensations were various in type and were
not just limited to the wage, also, the HRM planning was for longer
terms. Moreover, HRM control over ‘relational team’ and ‘primitive
teams’ took more internal forms such as socializing and building
commitment, while in ‘spot market’ and ‘obligation markets’ it was
external and formal.

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