Document Type : Research Paper


University of Isfahan


The purpose of this research is to identify the mentality of a private company employee in relation to electronic monitoring of employees at the workplace. This research based on its` purpose is an applied research based on the method is descriptive and in collecting and analyzing data is qualitative-quantitative. The statistical population of the study is all managers and employees of a particular company using various electronic tools for controlling employees. The data collection tools are structured interview and Q table. In the qualitative section, different ideas about electronic monitoring extracted from structured interviews with 5 employees of the company which analyzed by thematic method. Subsequently, in the quantitative section, by completing the Q tables in 24 tables, and analyzing the data obtained from factor analysis method, the mentality of the individuals in each group was identified and analyzed. The results of this study show that there are six different employees `s mental patterns about electronic monitoring in the company and each of these mentalities have different concepts and characteristics.


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