Document Type : Research Paper



Whatever  the  activities  of a  community  or  business,  they  each communicate something about the community or business to consumers. Consumers receive this information through many different sources, or channels. These channels combine to form information systems, which are always functioning, regardless of whether you are managing them or not. If you represent a  community or business,  it  is extremely important  to know how to  manage information  systems  to make them work  for you. This article identifies the opportunities and needs of a  tourism information and reservation system for tourism marketing organization and national tourism  industry as a whole.
In general, an information  system consists of all  the ways that people communicate with others.  Systems are composed  of information channels. These channels  may be formal or informal,  personal  or impersonal, and public or private. Different people, businesses, and communities use information channels in different  ways  and combinations.
A tourism information system  is a specific type of information system. It consists of all information channels used in a  business or community to promote itself as a tourism attraction. These information channels include commercials,  ads, brochures,  repeat visitors.  employees,  friends,  and relatives.
Information  and Communications  Technologies  are  having a  big impact on all  aspects  of  tourism.  Introducing  and  using  advanced  Management


Information Systems to transportation, travel, hospitality and entertainment will  bring many  benefits and changes to  the  tourism industry. In particular, the  Internet,  is  playing  an  increasingly significant role in  travel  and  tourism.
It  has  also been discussed that  there are  three characteristics  that  all
effective  tourism information  systems  have:
1) Each channel the system has its own function. Travelers use different channels to  get  different kinds  of  information.  An  example  is deciding  where to  go  on  vacation. A  person may consult  a  friend  or family  member for that decision, but in deciding what to do when he/she gets there,  the  person may talk with  a repeat visitor or employee at the  destination site.
2) All  the  information  channels used  in the  system  relate  to each  other.  A
tourism information  system is  like  a novel  because  it  has many different  parts tied  together by the theme.  Even  though a system's channels serve different functions  in providing information, they  are  all  tied  together by the  projected message.
3) All  channels  used in  the  system  are  interdependent.  A  tourism
information  system  functions like  a puzzle.  The  different  pieces  of the system, the channels, are used to communicate with tourists. If any of the puzzle pieces are missing, the puzzle's picture is incomplete.  If one or more of the channels used is not dispersing information effectively, or if the information dispersed does not relate to  the  rest of the system,  then the system will not effectively  communicate  its whole  message.  If one or more of these characteristics  are missing from  a tourism  information  system, then its message  will be  inconsistent and  ineffective.