Document Type : Research Paper


As human beings have learning abilities and can acquire knowledge through discovery and making mistakes, and also have the power to create concepts and sights, organizations also possess the same abilities. With the current vast and fast development of information technology in this century and clear and cryptic  competition in the world, the importance of organizational learning and psychological empowerment is felt increasingly. Therefore, in this research the effect of organizational learning on psychological rehabilitation of
employees of the Deputy for the State Treasury and Expense of the Ministry of Economic and Property Affairs was surveyed. To evaluate organizational learning factors, Nife Model Standard questionnaire, and to survey Psychological empowerment Mirsha and Sprinter Model Standard questionnaire were applied. The statistical methods used in this research are Kolmogruf- Smirnoff Test, correlation Coefficient on sample t test, liner regression and Friedman Test. The results achieved indicate that organizational learning has influence on psychological empowerment of the employees (competency sense, self-organizational sense, effective sense,
meaningful sense of occupation and trust sense).This results can act as a basis for organizations to compose the suitable human resource management strategies regarding organizational learning and psychological empowerment of employees, in this ever-changing world


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